Friday, June 23, 2006

Convincing the boss

James and I went to his work on Wednesday to talk to his boss about him having a dog at work. We didn't think there would be a problem as he works night shifts in a nursing home, so having a dog at work won't interfer much. We also thought it wouldn't be a problem as he works in the medical profession and they all understand (at least on some level!) what diabetes is (not mentioning the people who tried to give too much insulin to people in the place I use to work!!). So, armed with information from the website we went into the office - only to be told that his boss was at home as she had been working for almost 24 hours. We wrote notes over all the information and left it for her.
James talked to his boss this morning and she said "it sounds ok" but they are going to talk more about it soon. Legally she can't actually say he can't have the puppy with him so we are asking out of courtesy, but it's always better if work will agree and we don't have to force them!

Oh, and my friend is still waiting to hear from her boss - so fingers crossed all around!!

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