Friday, November 03, 2006


~Hercules and his sister, J.J, at about 1 week old (Herc is the smaller one) ~

This morning Mum let Aramis and I out the garage door and then went up to the kitchen door to let us in again, like normal. However, when we went to say hello to the Guinea Pigs (Hercules and G.P), Herc was asleep in the cage. This wasn't normal, and it was even less normal because it was raining and he was sleeping in the rain. When Mum opened the kitchen door she saw Hercie sleeping and ran to the cage. She then ran back inside to Dad and started crying.

Then Mum got a box and put Hercules in it. I though she was just making a comfy bed for him, but Dad explained to me that Herc was dead and that he wasn't going to wake up.

~Hercules and J.J. kissing~

When it stopped raining for a while Dad and Mum dug a big hole. Aramis and I played with G.P. Then I ate some dirt from the hole. Mum and Dad put the box that Herc was in in the hole and covered him up with dirt while Aramis, G.P. and I watched.

Mum said that Herc died of natural causes (not from Aramis trying to play with him!). Mum is sad because she raised Hercules from a baby, his Mum died when he was a week old.

~R.I.P Hercules~


Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said...

:-( RIP Hercules. Big hugs to your mum and dad as well.


Anonymous said...

hey carbi, i'm so sorry to hear about hercules. hope you don't feel sad. one of the doggie blogger, jay a silkie, has a little guinea pig sis too.

wet wet licks


Carbi Yarker said...

Thanks Opy and Boo. I am a bit sad. He was my brother after all and he was fun to play with!
I have videos of me playing with the guinea pigs and the rabbits here...
I don't know how to make it so you can just click on it so you'll have to copy and paste! :)