Thursday, September 21, 2006

Newspapers and shopping and more holidays

Yesterday a lady from the local newspaper (the Blue Mountians Gazette) came over to talk to Mum, Dad and me about my Big Important Job. She didn't talk to me much because I was too busy looking for leaves to play with, but she talked to Mum and Dad a lot. She took lots of photos of all of us before she left and I'll be in the paper soon.

Mummy was a bit cranky at me last night. Dad got up at about 3am (to go to the toilet) and didn't take me. I woke up and he wasn't there so I started crying and barking. Since I was barking I woke Mum up and she told me that it was ok and that she was there, and that Dad would be back, but I still cried because Daddy wasn't there. I get sad when he goes away from me now because Mum went away one morning and didn't come back for four whole days! I worry that the same thing will happen with Daddy. Mummy was sad when I wouldn't stop barking and crying because she was tired and had to get up early this morning! She gave me a cuddle but I just wanted to get away! When Dad got back I gave him a cuddle, then I went back to Mum and gave her a big sloppy kiss on her nose - she said that she loved me, but then she wiped off my kiss!!

Today Mum, Dad and I went shopping. We went to a place in Mount Druit where Mum and Dad both got some pants and Dad got some tops. It was very hot and I was tired. After the shops at Mount Druit we drove to another shop. Dad went in and I waited in the car with Mum. It was hot so Mum put a drop of water on my head. It felt good so she wet my head and ears. When Dad got back to the car I was all smiles! It felt nice and cool.

We went and saw Mum's friend Ange at the shop she works in. Dad was tired so he sat on the floor while we waited for Mum's pictures to be delivered to the shop. I curled up in Dad's lap and went to sleep.~My friend Hercules~

We came home and I had a play outside and talked to my friends Hercules and G.P (who are guinea pigs). It was cooler at home then down the mountains, so I enjoyed being outside in the fresh air. When I had had enough playing I went inside and went to bed with Dad. I have to go to work tonight so I needed a sleep.

Next week I'm going to be going away with Mum and Dad. We are going to go to the Central Coast and spend some time with my uncles and aunties and James and I are going to see my new baby cousin Mia for the first time. Mum has seen her already and so I can post a picture here! And for a limited time only, there are more photos of Mia on my photo album.

~ Mia Jade - born 12th September, 2006 ~

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