Saturday, November 04, 2006


First we get eaten by a monster, now a giant walked past the house!

Carbi told me the story of Jack and the Beanstalk and MTLH and Dad have a giant beanstalk growing in the kitchen. I tried to tell them that no good could come from having it there but did they listen??

Today, we had just gotten out of bed, and were relaxing on the lounge when all of a sudden we could hear a giant coming! It came from the side of the house and walked right around to the front. I barked at it and ran back to give MTLH a cuddle. She told me that I shouldn't bark at the giant or it might come and step on me!! Then she laughed - but I don't think it's very funny!

While it moved around the house it made a noise like this.... chugga-chugga-chugga-chugga-toot-toot.

I hope it doesn't come back, but Dad said that it probably will this afternoon as it has gone on a trip up the mountains and needs to come back down.

Carbi didn't try and protect the house - he just stood there and watched me do all the hard work! I'll be ready for it this afternoon - but if you don't hear from me agian - you know what has happened to me!

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